JEANNE WATON: in memoriam.
Jeanne, in her mid-90s, died at Christmas 2022. She had been a member of the Progressive Players most of her adult life, latterly as a Life Member, but in recent years her visits to the Little Theatre had been increasingly infrequent, and many current members may not remember her. She appeared onstage rarely, if ever, but in her younger days did her fair share of offstage jobs, plus spells on Management Committee and in the key role of Wardrobe Mistress, where her detailed knowledge of period costume was a great help. Away from the Little Theatre, she loved Grand Opera, and was also a long-time member of the local branch of the Ramblers Association, as well as a local group of friends who regularly walked in the countryside that she loved. If the walk ended in a tavern where real ale was served, her day was complete.
Rest in peace, Jeanne.