News & updates from the Progressive Players

Pillars of Society
4th July 2023

Pillars of Society

A highly respected shipowner is actually guilty of dishonest business practices, and is goaded towards repentance by the arrival of people from his past. Drama Translated by Una Ellis-Fermor from the play Samfundets Stotter. Also known as The Pillars of

The Lady from the Sea
2nd July 2023

The Lady from the Sea

A doctor’s wife finds herself forced to choose between staying with her husband or leaving with the sailor to whom she was once engaged. Drama Translated by Rolf Fjelde from the play Fruen fra havet. 1929 (date unknown)

An Enemy of the People
30th June 2023

An Enemy of the People

A small-town doctor discovers that, for tourism reasons, his colleagues are hiding the fact that the local health spa’s water is contaminated. Drama Translated by Christopher Hampton. 1926 (dates unknown) 1946 March 26 to 30

A Doll’s House
24th June 2023

A Doll’s House

In 19th century Norway, a woman who has been treated as a plaything by her pompous husband decides to rebel against him. Drama 1920 November (dates unknown) 1928 January or February (dates unknown) 1984 June 4 to 9