Kathryn Weston, co-director for The Perfect Murder (adapted for stage by Shaun McKenna from the novel by Peter James) sat down with the Progressive Players’ Publicity team to talk about the upcoming production.
So Kathryn, when did you first come across The Perfect Murder?
Last year I was on Reading Committee and I first read the script then. I instantly loved the dynamics between the characters and the interesting plot twist towards the end – and was really excited when it was selected for July 2023.
Plot Twist? Are you going to say anymore there?
Ha, ha. Sorry no, you’re going to have to watch the play to find out.
Fair enough! So what specifically attracted you to direct The Perfect Murder, rather than be on the stage for it?
I really love crime and thriller novels in general, and I’ve watched Grace on ITV for years. The Perfect Murder is the story of Grace’s first debut into murder investigation – a really important story. So when the opportunity came to direct this play I knew I wanted to bring these ideas to life… well not literally!
Have you ever directed a play before?
Yes, I directed My Brilliant Divorce by Geraldine Aron back in January 2022, also with The Progressive Players
My Brilliant Divorce is a one-woman show. Were you nervous about working with a bigger cast?
I don’t think that the size of the cast made me nervous particularly, but as this is only my second show I did feel that I would benefit from the advice of a more experienced member. Luckily, Val Neal was also interested in directing The Perfect Murder.
What’s it been like working with Val?
It’s been really great, we work really well together – and our different perspectives and ideas have come together in a really exciting way. I think that combined we will produce something worthy of our stage at The Little Theatre Gateshead.
Thanks Kathryn, what’s next for you?
Well, that’s also a surprise but you’ll see me on stage again soon.
Can’t wait! Thanks for chatting with us today.
The Perfect Murder will run 17-22 July at The Little Theatre Gateshead. Book your tickets here – it promises to be a thrilling evening!